Μήνυμα σὲ μπουκάλι
Αὐτὸ τὸ μήνυμα ἀπευθύνεται στὸν τυχαῖο ποῦ θὰ τὸ λάβει, καὶ εἶναι βέβαιο ὅτι ἀφορᾶ αὐτὸν καὶ μόνο, ἀφοῦ ἔτσι κι ἀλλιῶς τοῦ ταιριάζει ἀπολύτως. Τυχερὲ ἀναγνώστη, μὲ θλίψη σὲ ἐνημερώνω, (ἂν δὲν τὸ ἔχεις καταλάβει κι ἐσύ), ὅτι ὁ πόλεμος κατὰ τῆς ἀνθρωπότητας εἶναι σχεδὸν ἕτοιμος νὰ ξεκινήση τὸ ἀπεχθές του ἔργο. Τί σου λέω τώρα! Ἄλλωστε κι ἐσὺ ξέρεις ὅτι ἕνας πόλεμος εἶναι ἄψυχος, ἄρα δὲν μπορεῖ νὰ ξεκινήσει κάτι μόνος του. Ἄν, μὲ τὸ καλό, εἶσαι κι ἐσύ, ἀπὸ τοὺς λίγους ποὺ θὰ μείνουν, θὰ χαροῦμε νὰ σὲ βροῦμε ἀρτιμελῆ καὶ μὲ τὸ μυαλὸ στὴ θέση του. Μέχρι τότε, νὰ προσέχεις τὸν ἑαυτό σου, καὶ νὰ τὸν προφυλάσσεις ἀπὸ τοὺς σωτῆρες. Τὸ νέο τοὺς ὅπλο μετὰ τὴν ἡμιμάθεια, εἶναι ἡ ἡμιδιδασκαλεία. Πρόσεχε μὴν σὲ γελάσουν. Μὴν ξεχάσεις ποτὲ σὲ ποιὸν κόσμο ζεῖς, καὶ πρὸ πάντων μὴν ξεχάσεις ποτὲ ποιὸν κόσμο ἤθελες.
Καλὸ κουράγιο
Message in a bottle
This message is intended to the accidental that him will receive, and it is certain that it only concerns him and, thus it suits him absolutely. Lucky reader, with sadness I inform you, (if you have not understand it also), that the war against humanity is almost ready to start his abhorrent work. What did I said now! Anyway, you know also, that a war is inanimate, hence cannot begin something itself. If, with good, you are also one, of the few that will remain, we will be glad to find you able-bodied and with your mind in its right position. Since then, take care yourself , and protect him from the savers. Their new weapon after superficial knowledge , is superficial teaching. Becareful not to deceive you. Do not ever forget in what world you live, and particularly do not forget ever what world you wanted.
Be durable (not tought)